
  • Osaka to Tokushima to Ryozen-ji

    Osaka to Tokushima to Ryozen-ji

    The absolute first thing to mention is how extremely helpful and patient people have been. I took a local route to get to Ryozen-ji, the first temple, through a inter-island bus then the local bus. In both places there was no English signage or guide books however walking up to the counter and with a bit of pointing both times the attendants got me to the right place, and just in time. I really can’t express how thankful I am. The trip from Osaka to Ryozen-ji was about 4 hours but it passed pretty quickly. Once I got to the temple I took a moment to pray and wash my hands but got to the store just as it was closing. Fortunately the keeper was still there and directed me to a hostel down the street where the owner marked out important notes on the route and took us grocery shopping.


  • Osaka


    After a delightful 12 hour flight from Seattle I arrived in Osaka and spent the next day exploring the city in foot, a good prelude to spending every day on foot. Once again I’ll write more at some point.

  • Seattle


    I was in Seattle for a few days before getting to Osaka and eventually I’ll actually put something in here but for now this post is a placeholder; with a nice picture.

  • The Shikoku Henro Trail

    The Shikoku Henro Trail

    As of the 4th of October I will be walking the Shikoku Henro Trail on the southern Japanese island of Shikoku. Rather than provide my own description you can check out