Category: Wordpress

  • WordPress 4.4 Sidebar Naming

    With WordPress 4.4 rolling out a few issues have come up around sidebars and widgets but one fix is not immediately obvious. When adding a sidebar, the naming previously was not case sensitive but it is now. The example below would not work: register_sidebar(array( ‘name’=>’Homepage Widget’, ‘description’ => ‘Main Area on the Homepage’, ‘id’ => ‘homepage’,…

  • Hide Google Analytics when Logged into WordPress

    Hide Google Analytics when Logged into WordPress

    Another quick but helpful tip. Most sites use Google Analytics to track visits, pageviews and overall traffic but if you are constantly updating a site you can end up wildly skewing your analytics with constant refreshes. To avoid this, you can go into Google Analytics and add an IP Filter: However this doesn’t help much…

  • Quick fix for rel=”category tag” in WordPress

    Quick fix for rel=”category tag” in WordPress

    Here is a quick tip for helping WordPress, WordPress 3.2 specifically, with the HTML5 spec. HTML5 spec says that only certain rel types are allowed and WordPress’ “category tag” isn’t one of them. Fortunately I found a good bit of code here which strips out the current rel=”category tag” and adds a rel=”nofollow” as…