Category: Illustration

Posters, Fliers, conceptual art; shown here are single image pieces designed with a purpose. Look to individual tags for information on medium used.

  • Banshee



    A little concept art to take in. This image I designed as a test for the look of the rioters in my upcoming short. I wanted the rioters to look sketchy and unfinished next to the clean 3D animated Police but ultimately I rejected this design as being too detailed and time intensive.

    Makes for a nice promotional still though.

  • New Logo

    New Logo

    For the first post on this here on my new website I have broken down the development of my new logo into major landmarks. You can follow the process in depth on the Spinquad forums. The logo may still evolve slightly but I have received good feedback on what I have so far.

    Old LogoOld Logo

    First I’m guessing most haven’t seen the old logo.
    The old logo was nice, but it lacked a certain ‘moxy’ especially since it was only designed in 2D.
